hello Tim. Paco Sanchez is a long course. 1st hole is 700+, and theres another 4 holes or so that run abt 550 ish. there3s 21 holes but only 17b or 18 are playable now. the course got messed up a lil bcz they put a light rail thru the middle of it. i wouldnt say its one of the best courses in t ...
hello Tim. Paco Sanchez is a long course. 1st hole is 700+, and theres another 4 holes or so that run abt 550 ish. there3s 21 holes but only 17b or 18 are playable now. the course got messed up a lil bcz they put a light rail thru the middle of it. i wouldnt say its one of the best courses in the area, but its a challenge. johnny roberts is under construction, that is a much better course- but not playable now either. i would recommend either village greens in greenwood village, or exposition park in aurora. both not too far out of denver. interlocken isnt bad in broomfield. id join u tmrw, but im going to the avs game :-). good luck
okay cool thanks alot man greatly appreciated, yeah im here on business training and i brought a couple discs with me hoping to get some throws in, ill look into village greens, exposition park and interlocken, greatly appreciated i have saturday off aswell if you wanna go throw have a good one
Tim, he is saying it kinda like Bryant but it is not a wooded as Bryant. Whily you are in Denver go check out the Beaver Ranch in Conifer you will have fun there.
hello Tim. Paco Sanchez is a long course. 1st hole is 700+, and theres another 4 holes or so that run abt 550 ish. there3s 21 holes but only 17b or 18 are playable now. the course got messed up a lil bcz they put a light rail thru the middle of it. i wouldnt say its one of the best courses in t ... more
hello Tim. Paco Sanchez is a long course. 1st hole is 700+, and theres another 4 holes or so that run abt 550 ish. there3s 21 holes but only 17b or 18 are playable now. the course got messed up a lil bcz they put a light rail thru the middle of it. i wouldnt say its one of the best courses in the area, but its a challenge. johnny roberts is under construction, that is a much better course- but not playable now either. i would recommend either village greens in greenwood village, or exposition park in aurora. both not too far out of denver. interlocken isnt bad in broomfield. id join u tmrw, but im going to the avs game :-). good luck
okay cool thanks alot man greatly appreciated, yeah im here on business training and i brought a couple discs with me hoping to get some throws in, ill look into village greens, exposition park and interlocken, greatly appreciated i have saturday off aswell if you wanna go throw have a good one
Tim, he is saying it kinda like Bryant but it is not a wooded as Bryant. Whily you are in Denver go check out the Beaver Ranch in Conifer you will have fun there.
lol right, have u played at beaver ranch?
Yes, It is my favorite in Colorado. Try to get to Camenisch and Expostition park is centenial they are fun. Have a good time out there.