allen fleming Nov 3, 2013I play am1 leagues at firefighters every where else is am2 so my partner being a am3 and seeing the am1 feild we decided to play am3
Mark Kassabian Nov 3, 2013your partner is am 2 rated. what are you taking about? weak sauce sir
allen fleming Nov 3, 2013well neither me or my partner are am1 rated so played the feild we thought was right what do u care what division we play anyhow
allen fleming Nov 3, 2013if they had a am2 division which I play in I would of played am2
Joshua Ballinger Nov 3, 2013anybody who wins is a bagger some people need to mind there own bussiness. A one stroke lead doesnt really scream bagger to me
allen fleming Nov 3, 2013it was my 3rd time ever playing sunnybrook and cashing in am1 I havent played any tourny in am1 hell I barley cash in am2