Join the Murder Mitten DGC at Seymour Lake for Seymour Maddness.
$20 entry fee, $2 ace pool, $2 CTP 100% payouts
Tee off @ 11am, 1 round of 30 holes
Random draw triples, 3 discs per person, No OB penalty strokes.
After the tournament there will be extra games and events for cash and plastic prizes.
Tournament is on Sunday November 10th.
The date and time of Seymour Maddness is being changed from Sunday November 10th @ 11am to Saturday November 9th @ 10am due to a schedule conflict. Everything else about the tournament will remain the same. Sorry for any inconvenience.
FTF club event that day just as a FYI.
i thought mark lawrence posted this. my bad. good luck.