WC GLOW 2013-2014   October 17, 2013 at 7:07am

League Recap 10.16.2013

Thank you to those who came out tonight to play. Saw a few new faces and hope that they continue to join us each week. Good numbers tonight....17 players in total. Played Blues and Reds tonight and there were some good scores posted.

Next two weeks (10-23 and 10-30) we will be at Mary Beth Doyle. Same start time of 7pm. I will not be in attendance next week, so Foz is in charge. Please bring a few extra dollars as we have tentatively planned some CTPs.

Have a good week.

Steve Oksienik   October 17, 2013 at 1:32pm

Guys, I had a BLAST last night. Looking forward to a lot more glow with you guys.