THE "BEAST" OF THE WOODS  › D.O.R.C.s (Day Of Rest Crew)   October 4, 2013 at 3:28am

D.O.R.C.s League schedule updated till the end of the year. (SUBJECT TO CHANGE BY POPULAR DEMAND) After the Zombie Bash the D.O.R.C.s league will be alphabetical regular courses as follows; Canyonview, Camp Taloali, Cascades, Corban, Dallas, Keizer, Oregon S.H., Western Oregon U., Wheatland DGC, Woodmansee.

Mike Wilson   October 3, 2013 at 8:56pm

Big list! But it'll be cool to have all those courses to play.

THE "BEAST" OF THE WOODS   October 5, 2013 at 6:09pm

D.O.R.C.s league round could be played AFTER the Zombie Bash. Any objections?

Chadwick - Acerbinky   October 19, 2013 at 7:47pm

is the Day Of Rest Crew league still going on?

THE "BEAST" OF THE WOODS   October 19, 2013 at 9:09pm

Yes, Chadwick, the D.O.R.C. league is going to be after the Zombie Bash is over to not conflict. D.O.R.C.s may stay after prizes to play the course and likely help pick up the temp layout.