By request I have added Wheatland DGC & Western Oregon U.DGC to the D.O.R.C.s list of possible Venues to host this league. As usual changes to the schedule are by popular demand, but I have added Wheatland DGC to the sunday Sept. 29th schedule to welcome the course to the league rotation.
I appreciate wanting to use the Wheatland course to your schedule but it is not a compleated course at this time. PacWest has been working on it but not seeing by then. Better talk to Jason about possible opening day planned for. Maybe a miricle will happen in 18 days.
If anything at this time talk to Rick Saffeels about the CanyonView course as it is in and playable at this time. Tee pads and signs coming but baskets and all in, well maintained and lots of fun
Okay, if its not ready by then I will change the schedule. No big deal. D.O.R.C.s schedule changes mostly by popular demand via personal messages on, so I like to use the NEWS feed to hunt for sugestions:)
CanyonView? Okay, it will be added too.
How about a preZOMBIE BASH warm up D.O.R.C.s on Oct. 27th?
For CanyonView need to arrange with Rick first about plans. preZombie Bash talk to Jason or Mike about planned opening day time
Adding Wheatland to the DORCs schedule is very cool!! Just a few things to consider: 1- the park doesn't open until 7, so not sure if that will be a problem. 2- there is no way the course will be open for play in 2 weeks. If you would like to see it open soon, please watch for the next work party announcement. 3-
Honestly doubt that setting up a mostly temporary course two days in a row is likely... So I'd have to say no to a pre-Zombie warm-up round.
"Two Days in a row"? D.O.R.C.s can start before registration with enough time to finish, then register. EXAMPLE; 6:30 tee-time or 6am tee-time, however I think 7am is ok to finnish by 9am.
Sorry thinking of different day/tourney. But the park doesn't open until 7. Doubt we could set up and play a round in under two hours.