Jared Terry  › Beacon Hill Park   September 9, 2013 at 8:17pm

So I went out and found the Beacon Hills Park. You can find the location here: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=40.453229,-111.801259&hl=en&sll=40.45311,-111.801018&sspn=0.002422,0.002411&t=h&z=17

It looks like this location had some great potential for an 18 hole course however there are a few things you should know before you go. No official tee pads or baskets yet. It’s laid out with some signage and surveying stakes for each tee pad and pin location, but no baskets yet (except a portable on #18). Also holes 16-18 need some work as they play through some tight scrub oak that would need some clearing to provide flight paths (my opinion).

I talked with the developer and for some short term improvements he is looking to have trash removed and trails improved. He said it would be a while before we see baskets there because he needs some donations. He really wants players to comment on hole layout before pads get installed.