Blue lake swallowed my captain America dyed glow xcal on a bad forehand I rolled over on hole 8 either in the ditch or just over it.
If found $10 reward unfortunately no name or number
Please help me get the captain back
Lol Dallas you speak the truth. Thanks for giving me such a gracious amount of time to make a baby also. I will be going back to look as soon as I can but well see. Thanks josh it's a pretty noticeable disc so offer them money and ill pay you back.
Hey Mike, start writing a chicks name and a lil happy face or a heart on your disc's. They will at least start calling the number and you can say "Yah, Miss Honey Love lives here so bring her disc over and Im sure she'll be very happy". Disc return problem slightly resolved. Just sayi....
Harsh Dallas. Sorry Pierce, I will keep an eye out for it.
Lol Dallas you speak the truth. Thanks for giving me such a gracious amount of time to make a baby also. I will be going back to look as soon as I can but well see. Thanks josh it's a pretty noticeable disc so offer them money and ill pay you back.
This thread is getting good, lol.
I got all my info on my discs and I still never get them back
Hey Mike, start writing a chicks name and a lil happy face or a heart on your disc's. They will at least start calling the number and you can say "Yah, Miss Honey Love lives here so bring her disc over and Im sure she'll be very happy". Disc return problem slightly resolved. Just sayi....
Dallas, filter!