After today, we are One(call) step closer to installing disc golf equipment at Fairmont Park.
The utility locate company ( ) was on the scene today marking the underground u ...
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After today, we are One(call) step closer to installing disc golf equipment at Fairmont Park.
The utility locate company ( ) was on the scene today marking the underground utilities that could be in conflict with our proposed Basket and Tee Pad locations.
( see "action photos" here --> )
Good News: From what I've seen so far, none of our proposed placements appear to be in jeopardy due to underground utilities. I will need to take a closer look, then confirm with RL County Parks that we're good to go.
The next step for us as a group will be to make our final tweaks to our desired pin placements, then tell the County that we're ready for them to dig the holes. For the most part, the wooden laths you've seen in the park is the exact spot for baskets. However a hand full are in general locations in order to get the best utility locate coverage.
With that in mind, I will be going to Fairmont Park tomorrow evening & Saturday morning to finalize the exact locations. If you are concerned about any potential locations, please plan to attend or send me a message describing your ideas/concerns.
Let's shoot for 6:00pm Thursday evening, then 9:00am Saturday morning. We'll start on #1 & look at every hole, in order, one at a time through #18.
Hope to see you there.
Rick Petrie
No, we will not be ready for an equipment installation workday this weekend (7/27 & 7/28).
Yes, we are still making progress...
Yes, we are still on-track to have an equipment installation workday next weekend (8/3 & 8/4)