There are atleast four trash cans available on this course. PLEASE try to use them. We have a nice clean park here and we would like to keep it that way. I promise you that your beer can is much easier to carry when empty then it was when it was full.
If you feel the need to throw your trash on the ground please go play somewhere else!
There are two restrooms that are placed in convienient locations also.
Urinating In broad daylight twenty feet from the walking path while walkers are going by is not the right place or time. If you do not have the proper decision making skills to figure out when and where you should use the restroom please consult someone in your group, phone a friend or ask your Mommy!
It is humiliating to all discgolfers as a whole that this even needed to be said!
What he said!
There was more cans out there from a bunch of drunken bastards out there, not hating on drinking and playing. But whenever I saw cans or any trash out there today I made sure it was picked up. I got your back Mango.
Brys is not Lady friendly, I won't go in those disgusting porta-johns myself. It,s like walking into a toilet, every inch covered with **** and T.P. Obviously it was rolled, even the ceiling was covered, gross!