Course for Sunday unless something changes Hopefully not. Holes 1-6 will be holes 1-6 of the regular course. Then holes 7-12 are across the street in the schoolyard field area. Then holes 13-18 are ho ...
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Course for Sunday unless something changes Hopefully not. Holes 1-6 will be holes 1-6 of the regular course. Then holes 7-12 are across the street in the schoolyard field area. Then holes 13-18 are holes 7-12 of the regular course. OB's for entire course. 6 foot 6 rule. Outside of park or field boundries. Inside fenced ballfield. All non grass, dirt, bark, and natural ground coverings are OB. Examples. paths, sidewalks, roads, man hole covers, concrete anything, bridges, plastic water valve covers, Water is casual. The field holes are as follows. After hole 6 go across the street into the field. Go around the bleachers just past red storage building.. F1:.Tee off pad to portable basket next to fence past long pole on ground to the right. On or over track OB. Over fence OB. 369 feet. F2: Tee off blacktop by goalposts to portable basket by two big trees near parking lot next to sidewalk and brick wall. Must land outside of track line on drive. Re-tee. On or over sidewalk OB. 420 feet F3: Tee off blacktop in front of basket ball hoop by gym doors to portable basket at right end of goalposts near last tee. 480 feet F4: Tee off track by light pole to portable basket past goalposts next to white pole. Must land inside track on drive. Re-tee. Once inside track on or over track OB. 426 feet. F5; tee off basketball blacktop at corner of building to portable basket near backstop. 4th purple tree away from the track. On or over track OB. 340 feet. F6: go around practice field to end of fence by big scoreboard with flags. Tee off grass near fence to portable basket near corner of field by last tree in line. 255 feet. The you would go back to the park and play the normal holes 7-12. this is a par 54. all par 3's.