Due to the heavy rain the past week...... going to move to Lakeshore this Saturday July 6th at 12:00.........this will give Willow a chance to dry out some......we will shoot odd long and even shorts 24 holes 1-18 and a-f.......hope to see you there.......
what aboot Thursday? All welcome to come..I'll be there..inside..watching you play..
Y not all the holes??
Good point, it's not dark until 9:30 why not
Due to popular demand we will shoot all 30 holes of fun at Lakeshore tomorrow 7-6-13 at 12:00pm odds longs and even shorts
Ace pool is at $258.00 10 dollars all in 3 100% ctp`s $2.00 ace pool come on out and stretch out your arm some lol.......lots of wide open holes........
I don't get to play anyways, but hell yeah
what about the letter holes?