Critter shoots a -9 (63) and leads it in the open while J Ride and Scott Ransley are tied for the lead in masters with a slightly more human -1 (71).
Nathan Kretz smashed #19 for an ace today. He'll be taking the home the $50 ace pool if no one hits at Stony tomorrow.
The 50/50 CTP on #2 was hit by yours truly taking $22.50 and a couple of first run Slayers donated by 7 Star Party Shoppe at 25 and Shelby. The other 50/50 CTP for $22.50 and will be on #27 at Stony tomorrow.
Tee off will start at about 9:30 tomorrow at Stony on hole one.
Any questions, comments, praises, suggestions feel free to ask. Any grievances or complaints please contact John Minicuci. Thank you.
See you in the morning.
The office of John Minicuci knows no boundaries and will stop at nothing to make sure all of your complaints and grievances will be filed in the order in which they are received. Since the office is closed, please call back on Monday where you will be greeted with the tenderness your grievance and o ... more
The office of John Minicuci knows no boundaries and will stop at nothing to make sure all of your complaints and grievances will be filed in the order in which they are received. Since the office is closed, please call back on Monday where you will be greeted with the tenderness your grievance and or complaint is delivered. Your grievance and or complaint will hereby be referred to as a GnC. If your GnC is delivered to the office with any form of anger and or resentment then your GnC will be properly filed in the circular file cabinet it so richly deserves under "A" or short for "Angry and I don't care". If your GnC is in the form of a suggestion to hereby set forth any positive spin on future events then once again, it will be properly filed in the circular file cabinet under "S" or short for "Suggestion, yet once again, I do not care!". Take comfort in knowing your GnC wil be properly addressed in the order in which it was received. BTW, nice shooting to those who have won something! For those who didn't shoot so well and are sending along your GnC's, well, you better start making some putts and QYB which is short for quit yer bXXXXin'!