
Portage Lakes DGC

Akron, OH · 1 course · 18 holes

Matt Dungan big thanks to Jeff Gayhart for weed-eating hole 6's fairway, looks great. The park has been mowing the fairways and we will continue to keep up on the trimming. May 28, 2013
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Jon DeCapua May 28, 2013 Portage looking good right now, watch out for HUGE poison ivy leaves tho. Cheezzus.
Sharon Jenkins May 28, 2013 Way to go Jeff .... That's what it's all about... If we ALL do a little somethinng it really shows........
Ryan Banks Jun 4, 2013 JonBoy, when you see the poison ivy growing up the trees, simply find the poison ivy root and sever it!!! If it's all along the ground, forget about it! Rhus Radicans!!!
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