This is a description of what divisions will play on what courses at Hudson Mills on what days for 2013:
AM1 / AM2: Monster / Original / Monster; Long pads to short baskets
All Other Divisions: Original / Monster / Original; Short pads to short baskets
Please make a note of the divisions and courses. Even though there are 144 spots available there are currently 50 AM1 and AM2s registered. I just received a new update and do not have the total numbers yet posted. The cap for these two divisions is 72. All of the other divisions (AM3, AM Masters, AM ...
Please make a note of the divisions and courses. Even though there are 144 spots available there are currently 50 AM1 and AM2s registered. I just received a new update and do not have the total numbers yet posted. The cap for these two divisions is 72. All of the other divisions (AM3, AM Masters, AM Grandmasters, AM Women) will be on the other course and their numbers look like this: 72 spots available , 40 players registered. So before I update the list tonight there are 32 spots left for the AM1 and AM2 divisions and 40 spots left for the AM3, AM Masters, AM Grandmasters, and AM Women.
all rounds 24?
2 rounds Saturday, 1 round Sunday
Please make a note of the divisions and courses. Even though there are 144 spots available there are currently 50 AM1 and AM2s registered. I just received a new update and do not have the total numbers yet posted. The cap for these two divisions is 72. All of the other divisions (AM3, AM Masters, AM ... more
Please make a note of the divisions and courses. Even though there are 144 spots available there are currently 50 AM1 and AM2s registered. I just received a new update and do not have the total numbers yet posted. The cap for these two divisions is 72. All of the other divisions (AM3, AM Masters, AM Grandmasters, AM Women) will be on the other course and their numbers look like this: 72 spots available , 40 players registered. So before I update the list tonight there are 32 spots left for the AM1 and AM2 divisions and 40 spots left for the AM3, AM Masters, AM Grandmasters, and AM Women.