Gary "Jones" Chalice  › Goldenrod DGC   April 3, 2013 at 9:37pm

2013 Genesis Goldenrod Doubles Start Tomorrow 4/4 @ 5:00pm.

We will be starting league tomorrow at 5:00pm sharp. Please be there and signed up by 4:50pm so we can start promptly. As always, time and sunlight are against us this time of year for the first 4 or 5 wks, so please be early. We will move the start time back once we have enough sun to make sure we can finish the round.

There are a few new things to go over for this year:

As always, the league is free to play (that is, you do not have to put in $5 to play but if you choose not to and you and your partner cash, your partner gets the winnings. (Their choice to cut you in on any if the want but not mandatory).

With that being said, the FTF Board of Directors has decided to start a Course Development Fund in order to raise money for baskets for a possible new course in the area. With the attendance numbers we have been seeing at both leagues (Grod/Holly) steadily climb the last couple of years we thought this would be a good way to generate money for baskets if an opportunity was to present itself for a new course. This has been an issue in the past where we have had the opportunity and/or land but not the money or baskets. This will take care of that.

So this year we will be collecting $1/player/wk, regardless if you choose to play for money or not. If you are playing for money it will be $6 with $5 going to payouts and $1 to the CDF. If you do not play for money then it will be $1 to play which will go to the CDF. This is mandatory and not optional. As always ace pool is optional and is $1 but you must be playing for money.

Also new this year the FTF will be sponsoring some awards (a disc to the winners) to be handed out at the end of the season. They will be:

1) Goldenrod Doubles Champions - points will be awarded weekly and the top 2 point earners at the end of the season will be crowned 2013 Genesis Goldenrod Doubles Champions

2) Most Wins

We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday nights for another great season of doubles at "The Rod"