DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Winter 2012/13
Points · Nov '12 - Mar '13 · Willow, MI
DGLA: MiCPS-Winter 2013 - 03/11 *** Feb Stats - only 5 days leftlef
So February stats are locked and I wanted to post a summary real quick as we wind down the last week of the DGLA Michigan Cooperative Point Series Winter 2012/13 season.
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So February stats are locked and I wanted to post a summary real quick as we wind down the last week of the DGLA Michigan Cooperative Point Series Winter 2012/13 season.
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In January Dale "Llama" Wrobel played the most rounds with 14 rounds played followed by 3 players who managed to get to 13 rounds, 4 with 12 rounds each. In February Jon Kind hit the course for the most league rounds with 13 rounds recorded. Three players got in 12 rounds, 6 got 11 rounds in and 4 got in 10.
Way to get out and enjoy the winter league rounds guys....
All Leaderboards » February Rounds
Player Points Rounds
1 jon kind 214 13
2 Ben Ciccarelli 268 12
2 Mike Stratford 206 12
2 samuel smith 268 12
5 Jason Kirkaldy 256 11
5 Jerry "Chilly" Chilson 235 11
5 Jesse Whitlock 166 11
5 Gabe Cadorin 198 11
5 sheldon bowen 180 11
5 Daemon Stahlin 236 11
11 Jim Daniels 252 10
11 John McClenahan 229 10
11 Dale "Llama" Wrobel 234 10
11 Scott Sprow 218 10
Now in January Jamie Mosier got out to the most leagues, playing over 8 different leagues in the month. Three players got to 6 different leagues in the month and they are all in the top of this leaderboard again in February but with slightly lower numbers.
Jamie Mosier is once again at the top of this leaderboard but this time he shares the spot with John McClenahan, Jason Kirkaldy, Ben Ciccarelli. Nice travel guys. Seven got to 4 different leagues and 21 players made it to 3 different leagues in the month of February.
All Leaderboards » February Leagues
Player Leagues played
1 Jamie Mosier 5
1 John McClenahan 5
1 Jason Kirkaldy 5
1 Ben Ciccarelli 5
5 Mike Stratford 4
5 Jerry "Chilly" Chilson 4
5 Ben Calhoun 4
5 jon kind 4
5 Jason Adamski 4
5 D _rail 4
5 Daemon Stahlin 4
12 Kurt Umbarger 3
12 George Beno 3
12 Jay B 3
12 Jim Daniels 3
12 Lisa Hartman 3
12 Bill Hornyak 3
12 Ron Howard 3
12 Gabe Cadorin 3
12 Jesse Whitlock 3
12 Mark Perrine 3
12 Josh "J Bird" Frisinger 3
12 Dave Lassen 3
12 Tyler Kind 3
12 sheldon bowen 3
12 Jason Jopps 3
12 Scott Sprow 3
12 Jimmy Jean 3
12 Craig Przytulski 3
12 samuel smith 3
12 Dale "Llama" Wrobel 3
12 Foz Miller 3
Now it great to get out and play, especially in winter when it is so easy to get the winter blaaaas - cabin fever and the grey sky blues. If the weather does not make it dangerous and you have the opportunity to travel to other courses and leagues it helps your game playing different courses and you get to chill with that many more great players and see how different leagues or clubs run their leagues. Now it's even better win you WIN and depending on the format of league there is only 1 or 2 winners. Besides all that money (hey it's growing) there is all the glory of being at the top of the leaderboard. Let's give out a bit more glory to the top winners.
Now back in January the big winners were Jimmy Bates with 7, Dale "Llama" Wrobel & Jason Kirkaldy with 6 each.
This month the top was only 5 win in the month of February but Jason Kirkaldy stayed at the top of the leaderboard with those 5 wins, followed by Daemon Stahlin, Matt "The Spider" Swider & Jim Daniels each with 4 win to their name in February.
Nice rounds guys!
All Leaderboards » February Wins
Player Wins
1 Jason Kirkaldy 5
2 Daemon Stahlin 4
2 Matt "The Spider" Swider 4
2 Jim Daniels 4
5 Jamie Mosier 3
5 jon kind 3
5 Bill Hornyak 3
5 sheldon bowen 3
5 Gabe Cadorin 3
Now these players got out and played a bunch of round, hit several leagues, won a few rounds but ultimately the metric used for determining the best Disc Golf League players in Michigan for the winter will be Points.
Who accumulated the most points in the month of February?
Hold on - Lets check back to January first:
1 Jason Kirkaldy 280
2 Jimmy Bates 264
3 Daemon Stahlin 250
4 Dale "Llama" Wrobel 248
5 Kurt Umbarger 246
280 That's a lot of points. The totals for the month of February dropped a bit. In 5th place was Daemon Stahlin 236 pts in 11 rounds. Jim Daniels took the 4th spot with 252 pts in 10 rounds. in 3rd with 256 pts in 11 rounds is Jason Kirkaldy. And finally at the top of the February Points leaderboard we have a tie - YES Ben Ciccarelli and samuel smith both playing 12 rounds, both managed to amass 268 points each. Way to play Ben and Sam.
All Leaderboards » February Points
Player Points Rounds
1 Ben Ciccarelli 268 12
1 samuel smith 268 12
3 Jason Kirkaldy 256 11
4 Jim Daniels 252 10
5 Daemon Stahlin 236 11
6 Jerry "Chilly" Chilson 235 11
7 Kurt Umbarger 234 9
7 Dale "Llama" Wrobel 234 10
9 John McClenahan 229 10
10 Ben Calhoun 225 8
11 Scott Sprow 218 10
13 jon kind 214 13
14 Mike Stratford 206 12
15 Gabe Cadorin 198 11
16 Bill Hornyak 194 8
17 Todd White 184 5
17 Jason Jopps 184 5
19 George Beno 181 9
20 sheldon bowen 180 11
OK this Saturday are the last league rounds for the MiCPS-W 2013 season. Then the MiCPS-Summer 2013 begins. http://www.discgolfscene.com/leagues/DGLA_Michigan_Cooperative_Point_Series_Summer_2013
Make sure your leagues are included in the MiCPS-S. You want to be able to get credit for each and every league round you play. During the summer season there will be awards for some of the special leaderboards, even more Discraft Michigan State Championships berths awarded - don't miss out on all the fun - more on all that soon...
No rest for the wicked - so get out and play some wicked disc golf and enjoy the changing seasons.
– Peace
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