Have ye all recovered from last weeks convoy to Lansing? Maybe patched up from battling Moose and the scurvy dogs of Ypsi? Well too bad if you ain't, because we be sailing again. The votes have all be ...
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Have ye all recovered from last weeks convoy to Lansing? Maybe patched up from battling Moose and the scurvy dogs of Ypsi? Well too bad if you ain't, because we be sailing again. The votes have all been tallied and the crew of 24 Cha!ns has decided the fleets fate....We be returning to WATERLOOOOOOOO (aka Big Portage Lake DGC). Now, ye need to make sure you have your State of Michigan Park's Passport, or else the Sirens protecting the gate not let ye enter. This is also in the back woods of Chelsea, so you'll need to stock up on all provisions because it be a twisting and turning on the back roads before the course be in sight. And there be no watering holes to re-stock, so plan ahead. The ever climbing Ace Pool be in jeopardy, she be getting close to that magic $250 amount. The Admiral calls on you to protect his Pirates booty, are you ready for thy CHAAAAAAAAllenge?
All the side games be present (diiiiiirties, nut sack, hide the pickle, etc). There only be 18 holes here, and we will be playing no matter what old man winter be throwing at us. Get ready for another round of CHAAAAAAAA right in your pretty faces. We meet at 9:30am, Tee off @ 10am sharp! If ye be late.....You be facing the dreaded ass hole tax or even worse......asshole Cali