After a couple of scoring errors on my part, I have updated the scores to properly reflect what happened this week. I apologize for the errors, but sometimes it is hard to read the writing and if scor ...
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After a couple of scoring errors on my part, I have updated the scores to properly reflect what happened this week. I apologize for the errors, but sometimes it is hard to read the writing and if scores are written over the top of others it is sometimes even harder to read. That happened on one scorecard, and somehow I also miscalculated my own score. I thought I had a +4 I read the score wrong I had already made a mistake earlier in the round. Just so everyone knows, I always double check the scorecards when they get turned in, but if you ever see I have posted something wrong, please let me know asap, so I can correct the spreadsheet and the standings and payouts accordingly. I do not just input the scores as they come in, I check to make sure they are scored correctly, but sometimes I read things wrong, or input them incorrectly. I do not penalize for wrong scores and I never have because this is supposed to be fun, so don't worry about that, just try your best to add things up correctly. I do retain all the scorecards for the entire season, so I can always go back and look again.
With that said,
In Open we saw a HOT ROUND on a COLD DAY by Paul Johnson (-8, 73). All I can say is wow, given the conditions. Taking second with a (+3, 84) was newcomer to one of my leagues Brad Rathkamp. He had requested Advanced or Open, but since I have not had anyone in Advanced in either of my leagues, he got placed in Open and ends up with last cash.
In Intermediate, we again saw great attendance with 10 people with guys stepping up from a lower division to compete and the normal staple of players in Intermediate. Winning the week with a pretty solid score of (-1, 80) was Chad Niezgoda. Falling 1 stroke short was MR. DRETZKA himself Jeromy Morgan (E, 81). After a scoring error on each card, Vince Johnson and myself tied at (+3, 84). Another newcomer to league was Christopher Jante who ended up with a (+4, 85) for the final money spot. Congratulations Christopher, we hope to see you at future leagues.
In Recreational we had a small 4 person division. Pat Brah has shown us some good disc golf lately and won the division again with a (+3, 84), which would have still gotten paid in Intermediate and Open even. Taking the last money position was another regular Shaun Kirchner (+16, 97).
Yet again we had no aces, but I would expect that next week at Valley View will see one. Remember one thing "You gotta want it."
Mike Ellery will be your league director for the week and will have the cash for pros, scorecards, pencils, and the ace pool money. I have left it up to him to determine if a side game is run. We will be talking and he will send me the spreadsheet so I can update disc golf scene and send it to the Scott Slauson for the next week at Estabrook.
See you all when I return on 2/17. I will be dropping in the standings, but I will be accumulating at least 60 courses played. That is my minimum, my realistic goal is 75 and my ideal goal would be 90 courses.