DGLA Player members for Winter is now at 15 players - Thanks to jon kind, Adam Schneider, Jim Jean & Scott Martinelli, our most recent additions. So as of now that means there is $150 for MiCPS-Winte ...
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DGLA Player members for Winter is now at 15 players - Thanks to jon kind, Adam Schneider, Jim Jean & Scott Martinelli, our most recent additions. So as of now that means there is $150 for MiCPS-Winter payouts - $10 from each Player Member. $5 from each Player Member goes into the MiCPS-Summer payout pool along with $15 from each Player member who upgrade after Jan 15th and are competing in the Summer season only as a Player level member . I know of several more players who plan on registering before next Tuesday - Jan 15th the deadline for Winter Player members. A few had asked how the payouts would be determined with some players in both Winter and Summer seasons and many more that will only play in the bigger Summer season. Both cost $30. Both contribute to the DGLA Mi Course Improvement Grant fund which they get to vote on how it's used. Both get a MiCPS 2013 Putter and DGLA Glow mini. Both have a chance at winning MDGO 2013 Michigan Disc Golf Championships berths and awards based on their standing on the DGLA Player member leaderboard but those who upgrade by Jan 15th get both seasons; two shots at berths and more awards for the same $30.
Also someone asked why a deadline for Player level members - We know that many need to see this Player level thing in action before they shell out hard earned money. Ok it's only $30 - less than most tournaments, last all year, you get a player pack and help Mi Disc Golf courses, but it's your hard earned money. At the same time for those who are really worried about competing for the berths or awards we want to make sure that there are no surprises at the very end. You can see the player list through the first two months and then decide to opt in or not and then everyone continues to competes and have a blast for the next two months and then after March 16th all the Players get an additional Disc Golf Christmas and a few get their berth secured for States ;-)
I hope that helps explain how the money is split and is awarded as well as why a deadline. And it's great that we will already have close to 20 or more Winter Player members - Thanks guys for supporting this activity, DGLA and playing all year round. This is a great start for the first MICPS-Winter that has this option for payouts/awards, that also means that this Summer is already at last Summers Player Member participation before we even start that season. AWESOME - I love the way this sport grows and I love Disc Golf Scene for making all this possible. Thanks!!!!! Pete And thanks to all those who have contributed to the idea of the Cooperative Point Series and the DGLA members for their feedback and support.
Enjoy the rounds