19 people attended the first Sunday Snow Throwers League and I am ecstatic with that number. Mark Olver regrets not being able to make it to league because it would have given us an even 20. He apolog ...
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19 people attended the first Sunday Snow Throwers League and I am ecstatic with that number. Mark Olver regrets not being able to make it to league because it would have given us an even 20. He apologizes. I had no idea that so many of you wanted a winter league. Let's keep building on the attendance and see if we can get a few more each week.
Because I forgot about doing a CTP or anything I put those funds right back into the payout for this week instead of a separate contest. I will remember next week to do some sort of side game by division.
In Open we had Paul Johnson shoot the lowest round (-13) I have heard of on the new layout at Valley View. I honestly think the course plays between 1-3 strokes harder the way it is set up.
In Intermediate Ben Lynch and myself tied with (-6) and we will either split the cash and points or play it off next week. I have deferred to Ben on how to handle it, just waiting to hear from him. Matt Atherton somehow found his way to Valley View all the way from Richfield. That's like 90 minutes away and he shot a solid (-4) and then there was a tie (+1) for the final cash spot between Dan Bertzyk and Chad Niezgoda . . . two recent transplants from the Unrated Division. Thanks for stepping up guys, I am sure there are weeks you will be at the top of the division.
In Recreational, we saw the Discin' In The Dark runner up Mike Ellery shoot a solid (-4) tying another recent transplant from the Unrated Division Shaun Kirchner. I would like to see them playoff next week if they are both present. Steve Harmeyer also came from a good distance today and ends up with the final cash spot in Recreational with his (-1).
In the Unrated division we had Sean Puffer and Matt Walczak shoot (E) to split the funny money and points. If you are both at next weeks league you can play off for the point difference.
Thanks again everyone for coming. I am thrilled 19 people wanted to play in a league today. I would be out on the course anyway, I just didn't expect so many people to want to be in a league. Thanks to Greg Weber, Mark Olver, Keegan Wenzler, and Bryan Staral and a few others I am sure for pushing me to start the league.
See you all next week at Estabrook . . . I will be there by 8:30 at the latest.