course has been redesigned it is no longer a putter course. hole 1 was near where hole 4 used to be. hole 2 appears to start on the 3rd base side of the ball field. 3 starts near the fairway of 2 and heads towards the leaf collection center. forgot which way four goes. 5 if i remember right plays along the fence line for the Muskegon Airport. 6 tees off by the fence and heads back into the woods. 7 plays through the woods. 8 heads towards the fence again but stops far short of it. 9 appears to be the longest hole playing back towards the lot and to the right when you get towards the clearing. no baskets only posts to hit. no definite tee locations as of yet.
Randy Shreve › Ross Park March 28, 2012 at 1:59am
course has been redesigned it is no longer a putter course. hole 1 was near where hole 4 used to be. hole 2 appears to start on the 3rd base side of the ball field. 3 starts near the fairway of 2 and heads towards the leaf collection center. forgot which way four goes. 5 if i remember right plays along the fence line for the Muskegon Airport. 6 tees off by the fence and heads back into the woods. 7 plays through the woods. 8 heads towards the fence again but stops far short of it. 9 appears to be the longest hole playing back towards the lot and to the right when you get towards the clearing. no baskets only posts to hit. no definite tee locations as of yet.