Steve Moore  › Camp Taloali   November 6, 2012 at 3:53am

I know some folks work and such but Chris Wilcox and I spent some time At Taloali this morning looking at work needed for tee pad prep and install. As it was just the two of us not much else got done. In case you are not aware of it there is work party planned for Wednesday the 7th at 10:00. At this time we need bodies, shovels, and other implements of construction. Also any rototillers would be a great help. Depending on how far we get then the next step will be pouring cement. The needed items should be all ready to go if we can get the prep work done. You all want them so bad so let's step up and get this done. Two of us cannot do it alone and we need to pull together in general, not just this project.
So I challange the Salem area disc golfers to step up and show what we can do and improve the great sport we have for all. It can only get better if we all pull together, my challange is out to all.
Your sermon ( otherwise known as sensible talk) for today,
Thanks all from the grey hair and bearded guy with the cane,