The layout "Hitch/Schmid/Stutz Safari 12" has been added. Play holes 1-9, followed by:
5B - turn left after hole 9 and walk along path about 100 feet. Tee off from path when the grill near the shelter is immediately on your left. Throw across lake to hole 5.
4B - Tee off from path immediately behind hole 5 to hole 4.
1B - Go up the walking path towards the baseball field. Halfway thru the woods, where the ground becomes more level, tee off to throw to basket 1 (along the walking path and cutting into the woods to the right).
Kevin Hitch › Memorial Park February 6, 2012 at 1:17am
The layout "Hitch/Schmid/Stutz Safari 12" has been added. Play holes 1-9, followed by:
5B - turn left after hole 9 and walk along path about 100 feet. Tee off from path when the grill near the shelter is immediately on your left. Throw across lake to hole 5.
4B - Tee off from path immediately behind hole 5 to hole 4.
1B - Go up the walking path towards the baseball field. Halfway thru the woods, where the ground becomes more level, tee off to throw to basket 1 (along the walking path and cutting into the woods to the right).