Course News - some changes have been made to better accomodate eventual tournament play.
Hole 17 changes: finally moved 17's teepad down to the new location between the trees. The rubber mats are ...
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Course News - some changes have been made to better accomodate eventual tournament play.
Hole 17 changes: finally moved 17's teepad down to the new location between the trees. The rubber mats are there, but unanchored, so please be careful. We also relocated the "B" basket to the other side of the road and is currently playable.
Hole 13 changes: moved 13's "A" basket closer to the OB road, which is currently playable. This creates a more approachable shot for the the alternate tee location found on the road.
Hole 16 changes: moved 16's "C" location closer to far corner behind the B location. "C" is no longer a horse-shoe shaped fairway. The basket is currently in "B" (unless Jeff/Mike changed it after i left).
Alternate Tees: All alternate tees should now be marked with flags for the grass/dirt tees or orange paint when utilizing the road. With that, we added an OB Drop zone to hole 11 when landing on the road before establishing an in-bounds lie. Also marked a pine tree between hole 13 and 14 as a "Mandatory" for both 13 and 14. When playing hole 13 and 14, your disc must pass to the left of the tree to avoid chris-crossing fairways.
OB changes: Proposed Out of Bounds rules changes for league and tounament play are to change Out of Bounds from "Road only" to "Road and beyond". Meaning if your drive on hole 2 lands on hole 3's fairway, it is considered an OB penalty. We are in the process of establishing places where this is not true, such as hole 7, 13 and 17.
Tee Signs: We are beginning to reposition the existing Tee Signs so they are in line with the front of the Teepad. Also positioning them further away from the pad to allow more room for a run-up.