I've had my hand in a lot of course development in this area. The Belle Isle idea, albeit a great one, is not a new one. Detroit's Lasky Disc Golf Course went in a few years ago. It was supposed to be folowed up by a family rec center featuring an 18 hole disc golf course that disappeared as fast as the economy fell. Here's an earlier thread on DiscGolferUs website: http://discgolfer.ning.com/group/bidgc?commentId=1809917%3AComment%3A1965010
Hopefully, this idea can now begin to get some legs under it. I'll help if need be...
John Minicuci › Firefighters Park September 24, 2011 at 1:37am
I've had my hand in a lot of course development in this area. The Belle Isle idea, albeit a great one, is not a new one. Detroit's Lasky Disc Golf Course went in a few years ago. It was supposed to be folowed up by a family rec center featuring an 18 hole disc golf course that disappeared as fast as the economy fell. Here's an earlier thread on DiscGolferUs website: http://discgolfer.ning.com/group/bidgc?commentId=1809917%3AComment%3A1965010
Hopefully, this idea can now begin to get some legs under it. I'll help if need be...