Dan Kilgore  › Portage Lakes DGC   May 29, 2011 at 5:04am

i worked a couple hours after everyone left today. sorry that I wasn't there @ 8:30 like we planned. But I wanted to attend the dedication of Schneider park DGC.

I don't know if anyone knows this or not, but if anyone sees Matt Dungan or Carl Peterson down at Portage Lakes or any where else for that matter, thank them. If it wasn't for thier hunger to get this DGC completed, this could of been a 5 year project. We still have a little to go. But I wanted to THANK MATT and CARL for all their love and devotion and volenteerism with the progression of PLDGc. Thanks guys.

Carl said he won't be able to make it next weekend, but Bill said he's going to email everyone later this week about the next work day. CYA then.