Richard "Side-Arm-ageddon You should come to a league event Wenesday 5pm or Sunday 10am. For those two hours on those two days we do play at random baskets to mix things up. You will see were there to have fun, also most of the guys who play league are the ones who clean the park up. Were you there to lay bark chips pick up trash, lay steps for eveyone to use. Was that your money being spent to lay tee pads? No it was league money and club funds. So yes on those two days at those times we will be playin league. You should come out and see what its all about before you SNAP what ever that means.
Richard "Side-Arm-ageddon You should come to a league event Wenesday 5pm or Sunday 10am. For those two hours on those two days we do play at random baskets to mix things up. You will see were there to have fun, also most of the guys who play league are the ones who clean the park up. Were you there to lay bark chips pick up trash, lay steps for eveyone to use. Was that your money being spent to lay tee pads? No it was league money and club funds. So yes on those two days at those times we will be playin league. You should come out and see what its all about before you SNAP what ever that means.