Trying to get a Guess-timate of how many people are going to play in the 1st Annual Iced-Over Bowl.I need to order the players pack next week,so if you haven't got ahold of Myself or Mike Stradley please do so.If we run out of players packs and you didnt say anything you might be disappointed!Thank You in advance!
Sichuckers January 11, 2011 at 7:52am
Iced-Over Bowl Lake Walcott!
Trying to get a Guess-timate of how many people are going to play in the 1st Annual Iced-Over Bowl.I need to order the players pack next week,so if you haven't got ahold of Myself or Mike Stradley please do so.If we run out of players packs and you didnt say anything you might be disappointed!Thank You in advance!