So, As we all know. the Crew usually plays rounds at Bandemer on fridays, Being that it's summertime and the courses are going to be very busy it leads me to the idea of going to a traveling format. lakeshore is open and at a lo volume as it stands now. I wanted to get some feedback on the idea of moving the friday league there and who would be up for it.
24 Chains May 5, 2009 at 6:58pm
Hello all and thanks for being a part of the Crew
So, As we all know. the Crew usually plays rounds at Bandemer on fridays, Being that it's summertime and the courses are going to be very busy it leads me to the idea of going to a traveling format. lakeshore is open and at a lo volume as it stands now. I wanted to get some feedback on the idea of moving the friday league there and who would be up for it.