First and foremost, the league wishes to extend its condolences to MaT and his family for the loss of his grandmother.
The winds calmed and four players would throw the last tune up round of the season before the coveted Surgeon’s Cup kicks off next Wednesday.
No one in the group hit anywhere close to their season best; but all seemed to be taking the course a bit more seriously than the typical round. Admittedly, there were several scoring corrections discussed and agreed to, during this round. All corrections favored the player who had inadvertently scored himself worse than actual. In fact, and while it had no impact on league points or finishing position, Wayne actually shorted himself a stroke, even with the final tally. As a result, and for consideration next season, I submit that the NFGA keep a scorecard for every round and that strokes per hole be the tally method.
Back to the round summary:
Brad scored a Home Owner’s Association medallion on Hole 5.
While the double point scenario was in place for this round, the league point’s standings only changed to create a tie between MaT and Sammy, who are now knotted up for second place.
The APAR remains at 10 but it is actually at 10.8 and, unlike earlier predictions, will likely change to 11 before this league is finished. Does anyone need a lesson on APAR? Does anyone care about league points?
This round’s anonymous sound bite was, “MaT is going to bring it! Somehow, he always finds a way to bring it during the Cup. And Robby may kill everyone for one round but then he will lose it for the next one. He just can’t ever seem to put it together. And by the way, MaT does not own the Cup!â€
NFGA 2012 October 11, 2012 at 6:56am
October 10, 2010 Round Summary
First and foremost, the league wishes to extend its condolences to MaT and his family for the loss of his grandmother.
The winds calmed and four players would throw the last tune up round of the season before the coveted Surgeon’s Cup kicks off next Wednesday.
No one in the group hit anywhere close to their season best; but all seemed to be taking the course a bit more seriously than the typical round. Admittedly, there were several scoring corrections discussed and agreed to, during this round. All corrections favored the player who had inadvertently scored himself worse than actual. In fact, and while it had no impact on league points or finishing position, Wayne actually shorted himself a stroke, even with the final tally. As a result, and for consideration next season, I submit that the NFGA keep a scorecard for every round and that strokes per hole be the tally method.
Back to the round summary:
Brad scored a Home Owner’s Association medallion on Hole 5.
While the double point scenario was in place for this round, the league point’s standings only changed to create a tie between MaT and Sammy, who are now knotted up for second place.
The APAR remains at 10 but it is actually at 10.8 and, unlike earlier predictions, will likely change to 11 before this league is finished. Does anyone need a lesson on APAR? Does anyone care about league points?
This round’s anonymous sound bite was, “MaT is going to bring it! Somehow, he always finds a way to bring it during the Cup. And Robby may kill everyone for one round but then he will lose it for the next one. He just can’t ever seem to put it together. And by the way, MaT does not own the Cup!â€
Unh, unh, unh, let the SMACK begin!