Here we are folks . . .a crossroads. I established the statistics all on my own 2+ years ago. I did this to prevent people from showing up and just playing in whatever division they wanted to. We used ...
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Here we are folks . . .a crossroads. I established the statistics all on my own 2+ years ago. I did this to prevent people from showing up and just playing in whatever division they wanted to. We used the statistics to place people in appropriate divisions based on their scores. This will never please everyone because there will always be people at the bottom of each division no matter what. In my opinion it is your responsibility and goal to improve to where you are no longer on the bottom of whatever division you fall in.
I have heard from numerous people this entire year (last year seemed to be better perhaps because it was all people who understood the concept because the stats were a new thing), how they want to be and feel entitled to be in a different division than they are playing. I will allow people whose statisitcal history show that they are in the wrong division to move down, but if your scores are placing you in a division and they are appropriate, I will not allow you to move down. This was all put in place to protect people from playing in a division and constantly winning money each week which does not allow people who are shooting scores appropriate with that division to get in on the fun and prizes.
The statistics do not lie, they tell me what you shoot, and I have always been fair (in a socialistic way, protecting everyone by use of the statistics). I hope this doesn't scare people away, but it will remain this way, unless we come up with a better plan.
Terry and I talked and perhaps the best way to do payouts would be to pay out less to the winners each week, either by paying out deeper in each division to spread the wealth, or by just removing some of the funny money payout from the weekly shooting and doing more CTP's and other fun games which allow everyone in each division to have a chance (even if they may be at the bottom of that division in terms of their average scores). We will take a vote next week, so if you want in on the dicussion and are unhappy in the division you are in then you better show up and help make the changes necessary. Otherwise I do not want to hear any more complaining about where you are placed, because your scores put you there. I move people up when I need to, and only when their history is large enough to show they are in the wrong division. Outside of that, I let the statistics make all the decisions for me, which is the fairest way to handle it.