Congratulations to John Fleming , not only did he shoot an excellent round on a windy day that was good for second place, he also hit the first ace of this season. Jacob Hawley is improving and took first place. Todd Cronk showed Aaron that he too can bring home the cash with a third place score. Scott Collipp and Bob Counts hit the money CTP's and Albert Bonilla got the third CTP, a book signed by it's famous ( and now rich ) writer. Welcome to our new players, Robert and Colleen Hegyi and thanks to Gary duke for bringing them out.
USF RIVERFRONT HANDICAP February 21, 2012 at 12:21am
2-19-2012 Handicap
Congratulations to John Fleming , not only did he shoot an excellent round on a windy day that was good for second place, he also hit the first ace of this season. Jacob Hawley is improving and took first place. Todd Cronk showed Aaron that he too can bring home the cash with a third place score. Scott Collipp and Bob Counts hit the money CTP's and Albert Bonilla got the third CTP, a book signed by it's famous ( and now rich ) writer. Welcome to our new players, Robert and Colleen Hegyi and thanks to Gary duke for bringing them out.