The Disc Golf League Association (DGLA) ( is proud to host the 3rd annual, Michigan Cooperative Point Series – Winter. (MiCPS-W) for 2011/12. The Winter season ...
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The Disc Golf League Association (DGLA) ( is proud to host the 3rd annual, Michigan Cooperative Point Series – Winter. (MiCPS-W) for 2011/12. The Winter season was the start of it all and is a proving grounds for Hot ideas during the Cold rounds of Mi Winter Disc Golf.
MiCPS-W 2011/12:
Sunday Nov 20 – Saturday March 17th **
9 participating leagues
• - 2011/2012 Offseason Sunday Best
• - 24 Cha!ns Winter 2011 - 2012
• - Club Kensington 2011-2012 Winter Dubs
• - Coldbrook Saturday Pro/Am Doubles
• - Freaky Friday Skins
• - Saturday Vienna Singles
• - Vienna Sunday Dubs
• - WC Glow Winter 2011-2012
• - Ypsi Dubs 2011/12 Winter League -={Church}=- Sundays
All Michigan leagues are welcome and there is no cost to leagues or players to participate. We hope to see some more leagues jump on the point’s wagon and be a part of this State Wide Point Series. The more players the more fun and then more players will join in and even more fun – that attracts sponsors and we all get to have even more fun while growing the sport – Play on Garth.
Cutoff Date: Dec 31st 2011 – last day to add any additional leagues to the MiCPS Winter.
Key highlights and details for Winter:
We have some MDGO Mi State Championship berths up for grabs again – more on that as the season progresses. We have a few other new twist to try and spice up the Winter Point Series but you’ll have to wait to see what is under the tree this season – Ho Ho Ho
What we can tell you now for those who are willing to take on the winter conditions:
Winter Aces: Worth 50 points – League Admin – this is automatically calculated so if you want to use a different point system for your individual league Aces you can.
Ice Cold Points: If the temperature drops below 15 degrees with wind chill for your league round, the league Admin just needs to notify us and we will confirm the weather data and update the schedule for that league round to Double Points.
A few Reminders:
The MiCPS automatically keeps your best two rounds per week (Sunday - Saturday) when calculating your MiCPS total points. This is automatically re-calculated when ever new scores are posted or scores are updated.
Also for Handicap league - You must enter the handicap adjusted scores - the same ones used for payouts and awards, must be the submitted scores for your league round. Disc Golf Scene is looking into helping with this and we are exploring other options to help Handicapped leagues but for now this is the fairest way for all players and leagues to be combined into a state wide point series.
Yes every round can help - with the three tier point system based on the number of players in a given round even rounds with only a few players can make a difference. You must have 4 players for the round to be included but 1st place will be getting 18 points and maybe double if it's below 15 degrees - play often.
Players must have a profile on Disc Golf Scene to be linked and automatically accumulate points in the MiCPS.
Players must have their profile linked in the leagues they play to have those rounds count for points in the MiCPS - Contact the League admin if you need to be linked - they need your PDGA # or Email address listed in your DGS profile to link you. Help the League coordinator out – they make all this fun possible.
So get out and play lots of Michigan Winter Disc Golf and stay out of the snow covered shoal.
Foz, Scott & Pete