Handicap is established after the first two rounds and each successive round will adjust your handicap. Handicap does not restart after 3 rounds, but is continuously calculated throughout the season.
Handicap scores are adjustedto the exact decimal point for the purpose of payouts. Your disc golf scene score will differ slightly as that system rounds scores.
In the event that 5 or fewer players show up, the handicap is cancelled.
In the event that the park is closed, handicap for that day is cancelled. If possible another park will be designated for open play or doubles on the days that USF is closed.
In the event that no one is available to provide the books on handicap day, players will record their scores, collect money, and payouts will take pplace the following week.
In the event that holes are unplayable due to nature or park activities, alternate holes may be implemented with agreement of group.
Handi-cap rules for this season
Handicap is established after the first two rounds and each successive round will adjust your handicap. Handicap does not restart after 3 rounds, but is continuously calculated throughout the season.
Handicap scores are adjustedto the exact decimal point for the purpose of payouts. Your disc golf scene score will differ slightly as that system rounds scores.
In the event that 5 or fewer players show up, the handicap is cancelled.
In the event that the park is closed, handicap for that day is cancelled. If possible another park will be designated for open play or doubles on the days that USF is closed.
In the event that no one is available to provide the books on handicap day, players will record their scores, collect money, and payouts will take pplace the following week.
In the event that holes are unplayable due to nature or park activities, alternate holes may be implemented with agreement of group.