If you played league last week, the following probably does not surprise you at all.
Due to the days becoming shorter every week, we are starting to once again have "Daylight Issues" at the end of ...
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If you played league last week, the following probably does not surprise you at all.
Due to the days becoming shorter every week, we are starting to once again have "Daylight Issues" at the end of league night (predicted sunset for 8/24 is 8:09pm, with total darkness only minutes later. Ouch! ). So, we're going to have to revert back to some things we did in the Spring.
START TIME 5:30: I realize this will cause some problems for a few people but the time has come to move the start time back to 5:30p. So, please do your best to be at the league HQ and ready to play by 5:30p, at that point we will draw our tee assignments.
THREE TO A TEE: We are going to see if playing in groups of 3 speeds things up any. If at all possible, we will have groups of 3, then if there are a lot of players in attendance, some will have 4 in a group. If this does not save time, we will go back to groups of 4 next week.
SHORTER TIE BREAKER: A new & shorter tie breaker throw will be implemented this week. It should eliminate errant throws (which take more time to measure). Plus with the students back (thus more non-league players on the course), the area around Tee #3 may not be as available as before. Yes, I already have a spot in mind & it should be fun for all.
SPOTTERS: Do not hesitate to send a spotter out to an area where there is tall grass. Looking for a lost disc can slow down a lot of people. (btw, Mark and I will be meeting with P&R staff this week to discuss multiple issues, one of them being the immediate removal of the hay/tall grass)
SKIP PLAYING #7: EVENTUALLY we will start to skip playing hole #7, everyone will just take a 3 on that hole. It is not a very difficult hole, plus it is easy to go straight from #6 to #8.
OTHER IDEAS: We will further discuss time saving ideas at league, so be sure to make suggestions.
Thanks, Rick