Leagues are going to start within a couple months. You might want to save your money to enter in for our weekly fun. Remember, we have 2 sessions a day, one at 10 am and one at 6 pm for your convenience. You must sign up and pay the fee up front to receive the player pack. All weekly payers will only be in the running for the points and payout at the end of the year. I look forward to seeing people sign up and play.
Charlotte Tuesday League March 3, 2011 at 11:01am
Almost time for leagues
Leagues are going to start within a couple months. You might want to save your money to enter in for our weekly fun. Remember, we have 2 sessions a day, one at 10 am and one at 6 pm for your convenience. You must sign up and pay the fee up front to receive the player pack. All weekly payers will only be in the running for the points and payout at the end of the year. I look forward to seeing people sign up and play.