Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Summer   September 13, 2010 at 9:39pm


Only three HLW left before the Grand Finale!!!!

Currently 760 registered players in the MiCPS 2010

Registration for the Grand Finale closes Sept 25th at Midnight - You must be preregistered to participate and to be eligible for cash payouts for; the final round that day, Based on overall points standing and the Final 9.

Grand Finale is Oct 16th:

Ypsi Dubs -={Church}=- @ Rolling Hills County Park

Sundays at 10:15 AM - Church Service for Disc Golfers ;-)

Rolling Hills County Park (Ypsilanti, MI)

Organized by Ypsilanti Disc Golf

Registration: 9:00-10:00

Optional Pre-round CTP $1 for two throws - Special Etch Growler & Pint glass CTP trophies and a Taste of Mi and gifts for some friends.

$6 to play - includes CTPs, 1 for every 12 players registered.


$2 for 2 additional CTPs; 100% cash payout and a 50/50 cash payout.
$2 Ace Pool - Our Ace pool is currently at $138.00 - pays out half

**** Special for this HLW Round *****
Two CTPs will be for free entry into the MiCPS Grand Finale (worth $35) and if the winner is already registered they will receive $35 cash.

Only two HLW remain after this one:

Wednesday, September 29, Washtenaw County Glow Summer League 2010 - Bandemer Park

**** The last Highlighted League of the week - Last chance for Double Points ****
Sunday, October 3, Club Kensington Resurrection Summer Dubs 2010 - Kensington Metropark

If you have not been to Rolling Hills park before here are the local directions:

From I-94 exit at Huron St (Exit 183, Ypsilanti). Go south to Stoney Creek road. Turn right. The park is about 2 miles on the right.

From US-23 exit Willis Rd (Exit 31). Go east to Stoney Creek Rd. Turn left. The park is about 2 miles on the left.

Reminder: If your new to this league give the league admin your PDGA# or email address.

Current forecast:


Looks like Michigan summer weather - Great for Disc

Golf & Double Points!!!