i know the scores seem a little strange it is because they are based on only 9 baskets so to further clear up what Mike posted: par was actually 39 per round for a total of 78. not a huge turnout we had 5 teams with one three man b team. was cool to play a few of the new baskets 10 and 18 are permanent now and mike set up 16 and 9a.
Sunday dubs July 26, 2010 at 4:50am
i know the scores seem a little strange it is because they are based on only 9 baskets so to further clear up what Mike posted: par was actually 39 per round for a total of 78. not a huge turnout we had 5 teams with one three man b team. was cool to play a few of the new baskets 10 and 18 are permanent now and mike set up 16 and 9a.