One of the most windy days in doubles history kept the scores relatively low. At tee-Off the temp was around 90degrees with a 90% relative humidity making it for Tough conditions. The overgrown Brush ...
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One of the most windy days in doubles history kept the scores relatively low. At tee-Off the temp was around 90degrees with a 90% relative humidity making it for Tough conditions. The overgrown Brush at Vienna was the hot topic on allot of holes keeping players looking for discs allot of the time.
The shot of the day Had to go to Brandon Deran, on Hole #8 (his last hole) he & Partner Hoyle were around 80-95ft out with tree's well blocking the basket, he fired a Forehand putter through the tree's to seal the 1 stroke victory for his team!
Next week is Short Tee's with the Ace Pool now grown to over $106!