Champoeg is out.. Last i heard it was a giant moat & flooded in parts. So we are going to meet in the morning at Vance coffee shop & vote on the days course. Weather calls for "Thundershowers" so be prepared. I am leaning twords Timber due to weather. we may get lucky.. wouldnt be the 1st time.
Got to love the sport.. :) Chadwick
Prepare yourself..
Champoeg is out.. Last i heard it was a giant moat & flooded in parts. So we are going to meet in the morning at Vance coffee shop & vote on the days course. Weather calls for "Thundershowers" so be prepared. I am leaning twords Timber due to weather. we may get lucky.. wouldnt be the 1st time.
Got to love the sport.. :) Chadwick