also last week i was pair with a new player who didnt know the system to well and didnt show up in time, if i get automaticly paired with a c pooler and that creates a mush larger chance in first time players, i feel i should be able to putt 2 on 1, some games go that way as it is, and to take my chance away to try to win or at lease get practice in is wrong, alot of times it takes a game to get a grove and so when i was trying to find it my senond and lost i then am hopeless, also it took away the chance for rich and ted to earn there margin of victory points so if they so happened to go 3-1 with tight games its really unfair for them to. (still love the league and show up as mush as possible)
also last week i was pair with a new player who didnt know the system to well and didnt show up in time, if i get automaticly paired with a c pooler and that creates a mush larger chance in first time players, i feel i should be able to putt 2 on 1, some games go that way as it is, and to take my chance away to try to win or at lease get practice in is wrong, alot of times it takes a game to get a grove and so when i was trying to find it my senond and lost i then am hopeless, also it took away the chance for rich and ted to earn there margin of victory points so if they so happened to go 3-1 with tight games its really unfair for them to. (still love the league and show up as mush as possible)