John Minicuci  › MCCG Indoor Putting 2010-11 @ Sunnybrook   December 21, 2010 at 9:52pm

I think you have cashed 3 out of 6 weeks which is more than most.
I actually have thought about running 2 pools generating 2 payouts.
*Warning, by splitting the pools the payouts would be reduced to only those in that pool.
So if there are only 24 people in an A Pool, there would only be 4 spots paid out with $60 being the top cash.
I would have to minimally redo some of my Excel files just to reflect play on 2 courts as opposed to 4. This could actually be done on the fly so it shouldn't be too much of an issue.
I look at the time we draw cards each week, last night it was 6:32 pm.
Two weeks ago the Alley couldn't find the remote so it was much later, which isn't the norm.
Looking at last nights attendance I could make up 24 in the A Pool and 21 in the B pool, give or take a few in either direction. Just remember, those "give or take" players still require time to manipulate the pools and they are the players on the bubble that could either negatively affect the A pool or dominate in the B pool.
I am leaning on trying this next week, any thoughts? 2 pools, 2 payouts...