Club Kensington Resurrection has a stack of new plastic for sale. 25- Buzzz SS Glo Z 2010 USADGC. $20 Each. 25- ESP ColorMax MDGO Nukes, $20 Each. These will be available on Sunday at Leagues. Just placed an order which will be available 2-14-2010 at Sunday leagues: 25- First Run ESP Nukes, $18 each. I will take any pre-orders for any of the above discs. I will put your name on a list and hold whatever disc you would like for a week. Thanks and do not forget to support your local leagues and tournaments.
Jeff Kaluk › Club Kensington Ressurrection Sunday Doubles Winter Session February 5, 2010 at 11:49pm
Club Kensington Resurrection has a stack of new plastic for sale.
25- Buzzz SS Glo Z 2010 USADGC. $20 Each.
25- ESP ColorMax MDGO Nukes, $20 Each.
These will be available on Sunday at Leagues.
Just placed an order which will be available 2-14-2010 at Sunday leagues:
25- First Run ESP Nukes, $18 each.
I will take any pre-orders for any of the above discs. I will put your name on a list and hold whatever disc you would like for a week.
Thanks and do not forget to support your local leagues and tournaments.