THE "BEAST" OF THE WOODS  › Downey Disc Club   December 27, 2011 at 7:08am

Join the RIVAL CLUBS in 2012
It is NOT too late to join the RIVAL CLUBS for 2012. The first event date will lock in the scoring system, thus finalizing the sign-up period. So far only CCDG has set a date for a RIVAL CLUBS event and that is March 3rd @ Keizer Rapind. A club event scheduled before March 3rd 2012 could be your chance to host for RIVAL CLUBS league 2012 as long as that event is a Singles-Stroke-Play format. The RIVAL CLUBS scoring system can Piggy-Back on that event and prizes awarded separately.

For example;- A player may place in 8th place in the Masters division for the home clubs host event but,
- place 1st in the Grand Masters of the RIVAL CLUBS sine there was no Grand Masters div for that host event.
- A separate and additional buy-in for RIVAL CLUBS will go to prizes and end of season trophies.
- Host event T.D.s and RIVAL CLUBS T.D.s can work together to lighten the work load, but buy-in must be kept
separate sine not all players in host event will be participating in RIVAL CLUBS league.
- This makes being a Tournament Director for the RIVAL CLUBS league SUPER easy, especially if you have the
support of your home clubs most popular event T.D.