We are looking for volunteers to adopt a hole, more than one person can adopt a hole and it doesn't include mowing (Thanks Dustin)
Of course if you want to mow, help yourself! Email me, [email redacted] and I'll put you on the list and keep you updated about work days and equipment available to borrow (lawnmowers, saws, sickles, etc)
Brad Gee › Hammond Hill Discgolf July 14, 2011 at 7:33am
We are looking for volunteers to adopt a hole, more than one person can adopt a hole and it doesn't include mowing (Thanks Dustin)
Of course if you want to mow, help yourself! Email me, [email redacted] and I'll put you on the list and keep you updated about work days and equipment available to borrow (lawnmowers, saws, sickles, etc)