I received my registration refund, thanks Tyler.
How are folks moving forward in an effort to recoup travel expenses? I immediately cancelled my travel plans once JRay announced the cancellation. ...
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I received my registration refund, thanks Tyler.
How are folks moving forward in an effort to recoup travel expenses? I immediately cancelled my travel plans once JRay announced the cancellation. My flight, rental car and VRBO were non-refundable. Four days later, when it was announced that the event was back on, I went and tried to rebook everything but the flight had more than tripled in cost and the VRBO was no longer available so I’m not able to get to Memphis. I’m pleased to get my registration fee back but I’m still out almost $2K. I’ve chatted via email with both the PDGA and Dynamic Discs, both of whom do not want to discuss my losses but rather wish to celebrate the now “on” event. I’m happy for all those who were able to make it happen but I do think there are a number of people who have suffered significant losses. I can’t imagine a small claims action in civil court would be worth my while. Any thoughts?