Matt Walsh  › Autumn's End - Western PA Series Finale   1 day ago

I was wanting to sign up but no ability to join the MA2 waitlist as it is full

Mark Fedorenko   1 day ago

Waitlist caps will be adjusted multiple times throughout the registration period. I fully expect everyone who wants to get into the event, will.

Mark Fedorenko   1 day ago

I have also adjusted the cap to MA2 if you wish to change divisions.

Matt Walsh   1 day ago

Thanks Mark! There just wasn't an option to join the waitlist, the division was grayed out so wanted you to know in case anyone else was trying to join the waitlist. I joined MA1 for now

Matt Walsh   1 day ago

You da man. Appreciate you brother

Mark Fedorenko   1 day ago

Thanks for the heads up that the WL option was unavailable. That box is usually automatically checked, I have gone ahead and added it back to the event.