Thomas Butler  › DZDiscs Open II   Sticky 3 days ago

FINAL LAYOUT: (Please refer to UDisc for Pin Locations)
Hole 1: C (Long LEFT**)
Hole 2: A (Short)
Hole 3: A (NEW PLACEMENT!!!)
Hole 4: B (Stump placement is rotted out, can't use it :/ )
Hole 5: B
Hole 6: A
Hole 7: D (Long right, same pin position as Hole 3 Long way down the hill)
Hole 8 (from old teepad): D (OLD TEEPAD to 13 Short placement)
Hole 9 (from alternate teepad): D
Hole 10: C
Hole 11: B
Hole 12: C
Hole 13 (**from Main pad on UDisc**): D (there is no pin placement, it will be an MVP Basket set up on the morning of the tournament)
Hole 14: C
Hole 15: B
Hole 16: C
Hole 17: C
Hole 18: C

** Hole 1 was originally Long Right, but the pin placement is broken. We will play Long Left.

** The primary teepad for Hole 13 is on top of the hill near the gazebo. However, it is labeled as the Alternate teepad in UDisc. We will be using the UDisc-marked MAIN teepad for the tournament, which is next to the steps going down to the skatepark.

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Thomas Butler   3 days ago

Reposting the final layout. All baskets have been moved into place besides 7, 8, 12, and 13. The first three are alternate layout positions, so they will not be moved until the day or two prior to the tournament. Hole 13 is a temp hole which will have a basket placed under the tree the morning of the tournament. Let me know if you have any questions!