Standings after Celebrate Trails have been updated. Current leaders are Stephen Scoggins in Open, Hans Klar in Intermediate, Ginelle Kohl in Ladies, Bill Pauley in Masters.
I will be reviewing these results to ensure they make sense. Specifically Intermediate division. Its no fault of the players, its just how the points worked out. I will evaluate and announce a change when I figure out what makes best sense. Please bear with me as I evaluate and improve since this is new.
Standings after Celebrate Trails have been updated. Current leaders are Stephen Scoggins in Open, Hans Klar in Intermediate, Ginelle Kohl in Ladies, Bill Pauley in Masters.
I will be reviewing these results to ensure they make sense. Specifically Intermediate division. Its no fault of the players, its just how the points worked out. I will evaluate and announce a change when I figure out what makes best sense. Please bear with me as I evaluate and improve since this is new.